Brand Guidelines

Featuring our logo or branding in your work? Download the PDF below to help us maintain the integrity of our intellectual property.

Questions? Contact us:

  • PDF Guide (here)

    All logo file formats must not be altered.

    Do not change the weight of any of the elements.

    Do not create a grayscale version of the color logo.

    Never combine the logo with any other text or imagery.

    Never alter the logo color palette.

    Always scale the logo so that it retains its original proportions.

  • Click here to access our logo files directly.

  • Black MASSCreative Logo (here)

    White MASSCreative Logo (here)

  • Black MCAN Logo (here)

    White MCAN Logo (here)

  • Usage Note: Please be attentive to the fact that MASSCreative and the MASSCreative Action Network (MCAN) have two separate logos, outlined below. When creating content with our logo, kindly confirm that you are using the correct version of our logo.